Jacksonville, FL b. 1991

Alexander Zastera was born in Jacksonville, Florida and works in Miami, Florida. Zastera has a Masters in Environmental Studies from Florida International University (2023) and has a BFA in Studio art and BA in art history from Florida State University (2014). They are known for their large-scale hyper surreal mystical paintings, found object installations and public performance centered around the environment.

Their painting practice starts as conversations, mixers and current events which then get memorialized onto canvas centered around connecting people to share the stories of the South Florida communities. They have been a resident artist in the Miami Dade Library system with ProjectArt USA and are currently in residency at the Deering Estate (2024). They have been awarded an Ellie through Oolite Arts (2023) and the Xavier Cortada "Power of Art" award by the city of Palmetto Bay (2023). Their work has been featured at MOCA Nomi (2021), Deep Space Gallery (2018), Superfine! Art Fair: NYC (2018), and & Gallery (2017). 



South Florida inspires my large-scale surreal paintings, found object installations, and community-centered environmental initiatives. I have a Masters in Environmental Studies from Florida International University and a BFA in Studio Art and a BA in Art History from Florida State University. I merge my academic knowledge with my artistic passion to bring public awareness to environmental issues inspired by the nature and the people working to make the world a better place. My projects bring together a diverse range of stakeholders, from artists to scientists, lawyers to musicians, fostering a collective understanding of Miami's resilience in the face of climate change.  

Join me in this artistic journey where mysticism meets environmental advocacy, exploring the heart of Miami's vibrant soul-- a nexus of climate issues and flare. A host to the potential of inspiring change through the fusion of art, science and solution based activism.

